Wastewater & Wastewater Treatment
Site Development
Land Development & Water Resources
Solid Waste & Landfill
Water Quality
Environmental Compliance
Water Supply
Operation & Maintenance
Permitting & Design
Construction Support
Structural Design
Civil Design
Alternative Energy
Environmental Engineering
GEC has extensive experience in environmental services and engineering, particularly in the areas of water and wastewater system design, construction support and operation and maintenance. GEC assists in the entire life cycle of a project, from conceptual design, permitting, final design and construction monitoring, to the operation of environmental control systems and compliance. GEC’s expertise assures compliance with water and wastewater regulations, wetland protection, and stormwater requirements. GEC’s clients include both the private and public sectors.
Wastewater & Wastewater Treatment
Failure of septic systems often requires the installation of a more sophisticated wastewater treatment system. GEC designs and operates wastewater systems for regulatory compliance. We specialize in troubleshooting of chronic non-compliant systems and recommending and implementing corrective action. GEC’s experience with small to medium-sized wastewater treatment equipment ensures identification of the root of the problem to restore regulatory compliance. GEC also assists clients in lowering their financial liabilities by negotiating the best possible outcome with local and state regulators.
GEC provides clients with code-compliant wastewater system designs for both traditional and innovative systems. We also evaluate the compliance status of existing septic systems for change in use. The evaluation includes the inspection of the system’s septic tanks, soil absorption system (SAS) and conveyance system, including pump station and force mains, to determine compliance with Title 5 regulations. All inspections are performed by one of GEC’s licensed Title 5 inspectors. We provide clients with an overall management approach to ensure full regulatory compliance over the life of the plant.
Site Development
GECs’ civil and structural engineering staff recognizes the importance of designing projects that are sensitive to the environmental. GEC’s experience ensures a broad range of ideas are presented and analyzed, that lead to informed decisions based on practical and sound judgment.
Land Development & Water Resources
GEC’s capabilities range from smaller sites, to redevelopment and restoration design and engineering, to large residential and commercial projects. Our experience includes watershed, stream, and wetland restoration and enhancement studies; wastewater treatment facility design and construction; landfill permitting, operation and management and closure including post-closure monitoring and use plans; and water supply and protection analyses and design.
Solid Waste & Landfill
GEC provides clients with project management, environmental, geotechnical, and resident engineering; site inspections; and surveying services for many complex solid waste and landfill projects. Our services include evaluating dredged material, contaminated soil, and soil for on-site reuse. We help clients by completing permit applications and constructing re-use concepts for closed or soon-to-be closed landfills.
Water Quality
Comprehensive planning for stormwater treatment and erosion control is essential. GEC performs analysis of watershed water quality and design of site and project water quality plans. Assistance in establishing and developing Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDLs), water quality assessment programs, and stream and lake restoration planning is also available.
Environmental Compliance
GEC is a leader in achieving and maintaining environmental compliance. Our team includes several former senior regulators who understand what details agencies need, and know how to effectively present our clients’ cases. We conduct reviews of existing permits and develop recommendations for environmental compliance. GEC conducts on-site construction oversight for projects, and documents compliance with permits. Our team also helps clients evaluate compliance and enforcement notices issued by regulatory agencies.
Water Supply
GEC assists clients with drinking water supply program compliance projects. Examples of our work include analyzing water quality samples, developing sampling programs for transient and non-transient systems, and obtaining funding through the State Revolving Fund program. We also provide analysis and remediation of Zone I and Zone II violations, implementation of cross-connections control, response to regulatory questions, and assistance with all drinking water reporting requirements.
Operation & Maintenance
GEC has Massachusetts Licensed Wastewater Operator: Levels 2 & 4-Municipal, and Level 6-Combined (Industrial/Municipal), for both traditional and innovative systems. We provide comprehensive operations and maintenance manuals that address the required inspections, part replacement, and maintenance performance standards necessary to ensure regulatory compliance. GEC also evaluates system performance to ensure operations meet design intent.
GEC has extensive knowledge of wetland regulations and experience with projects requiring delineation and permitting of work in and around wetland resource areas at the local, state, and federal level. GEC develops permit applications such as those required for the Wetlands Protection Act (e.g., Request for Determination, and Notice of Intent), local bylaws, and the Section 401 Water Quality and Section 404 Army Corps of Engineers permits.
Because several of GEC’s staff are, or formerly were, wetland regulators or conservation commissioners we know the process and understand commissions’ expectations, adding a level of credibility before regulating bodies. GEC understands the nuances of the regulations. GEC managers play a significant role in local, state, and federal legislation and regulatory program development.
Permitting & Design
GEC has comprehensive experience in environmental services and engineering, particularly in the areas of water and wastewater system design, construction support, and operation and maintenance. We oversee the entire life cycle of a project, from permitting to design to construction monitoring and the operation of environmental control systems and compliance. Our team is expert in regulatory compliance for water supply, wetland protection, and wastewater activities.
Construction Support
GEC assists clients in construction projects by providing verification of design intent and code compliance. We conduct inspections, verification that construction meets design intent, and independent review of wastewater, water supply, structural design, building foundations, roads, and bridges. GEC also provides full and limited construction support with civil, structural, and environmental engineers and scientists.
Structural Design
GEC performs structural design of concrete and steel structures including buildings, foundations, bridges, and hydraulic structures. We provide finite element analysis for abnormal loadings associated with earthquakes and wind, compliant with various state and federal codes. Our team has worked on various power plant structures, shopping centers, schools, and process plants. GEC can help with your structural design challenges including the completion of analysis, preparation of structural drawings, and construction oversight.
Civil Design
GEC designs storm water, wetlands, water supply, and wastewater systems and structures. We use decades of engineering and environmental science experience to render realistic, practical, and forward-thinking solutions to the design of a project.
GEC conducts various energy design and retrofit project design, which utilize energy efficient products and methods to conserve energy. Our experience includes green building design, water use, septic system discharge, energy conservation, geothermal, and rainfall runoff recharge design. We support numerous clients in building design and retrofit projects intended to incorporate resource conservation including energy reduction, water use reduction, storm water minimization, and waste minimization.
Alternative Energy
Alternative energy (nuclear, fossil, hydro, geothermal, wind and solar) is worth exploring for some clients. GEC conducts alternative energy evaluations, including on-site surveys, data generation, and analysis, and regulatory submittal. GEC incorporates physical boundary parameters, construction techniques and impacts, and cost considerations.
Energy conservation is beneficial for industries and institutions to reduce cost, and improve system performance. GEC’s energy audits provide useful conservation ideas that align with client goals. Our staff help clients incorporate alternative energy resources, implement energy reduction techniques, and maximize energy credits.
Related Projects
Apartment Complex
GEC assisted the owner of a 48-unit apartment complex with its own public water supply well in responding to regulatory notices and design of a new water main. The problem stemmed from having prohibited sources of pollution in the Zone I of a drinking water well. GEC designed a new water main and received DEP and town approval to disconnect the well from the potable water system and connect the apartment complex to the municipal water system.