Environmental Engineering
GEC successfully planned and permitted one property for a 56-unit single family 40B development and a 60-unit age restricted project. Work included lot subdivision, road layout and all engineering and design. Design highlights included Low Impact Development (LID) and ‘green building’ energy efficiency concepts, creative wetlands impact reduction, EPA construction, stormwater permit, and other environmental permit approvals including a conservation restriction to protect endangered species habitat. GEC also successfully supported the project through a Zoning Board appeal and mediation.
Faced with significant new costs to treat its wastewater due to permitting changes a condominium association turned to GEC. After evaluation of the technical issues GEC recommended and designed a cost effective solution relocating the existing discharge outside the Zone II of a public water supply well. The resulting approved plan lowered annual operating and capital costs by nearly $100,000.
GEC developed a long range maintenance plan for a private golf course meeting stringent new stormwater and wetland regulations as well as complicated rules due to drainage within a public water supply Zone A. The GEC plan will greatly improve course drainage to eliminate the need for complete fairway reconstruction on five fairways that would have cost millions.
GEC and a team of firms closed and redeveloped several contiguous municipal landfills resulting in the construction of a 27-hole PGA golf course, numerous recreational playing fields and other passive recreation uses. This award-winning project involved management of construction activities, planning, permitting and hazardous materials and soil testing over a 10 year period.
The assessment and design of stormwater and erosion controls is an increasingly important aspect of site development and maintenance. GEC has extensive experience with stormwater management and permitting including the EPA NPDES Multi-Sector General Permit Program. This work includes the preparation of stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPP) and the submittal of Notices of Intent (NOI) required for many commercial and industrial businesses. Non-compliance with this program can result in significant penalties. The design and implementation of engineered stormwater controls and Best Management Practices (BMP's) is also required for many state and local permits. GEC develops these documents and can assist in the permitting and construction of the approved plans.
GEC expanded redevelopment opportunities for a developer by correcting FEMA base flood elevations at an industrial park. GEC conducted hydraulic and hydrologic analysis, submitted a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) Application to FEMA and lowered the published flood elevation by over five feet. The corrected elevation lead to increased development opportunities, lowered flood insurance premiums and increased property value.
GEC assisted the owner of a 48-unit apartment complex with its own public water supply well in responding to regulatory notices and design of a new water main. The problem stemmed from having prohibited sources of pollution in the Zone I of a drinking water well. GEC designed a new water main and received DEP and town approval to disconnect the well from the potable water system and connect the apartment complex to the municipal water system.
GEC developed innovative surveying techniques and settlement calculations to assure regulatory compliance and public safety of a redeveloped former landfill site in the Boston area. The former landfill site is currently occupied by several “Big Box” retailers. GEC reviews and analyzes data to calculate the rate of vertical and horizontal settlement.
GEC operated a private preparatory school’s wastewater treatment plant, taking it from non-compliance to compliance saving thousands of dollars in assessed penalties. GEC also performed a systematic evaluation of the school’s wastewater treatment system components and made upgrades to improve reliability. Finally, GEC detailed a path to connect to the MWRA sewer system through an adjacent property for long-term viability and superior wastewater treatment performance.
GEC was contacted by an industrial manufacturer that was relocating to a new facility. The company was in the process of obtaining a Special Permit from the municipality for the new facility and required the written opinion of a Registered Professional Engineer as to the impact of the proposed use upon the groundwater supply within the town. GEC evaluated the facility and provided certification letters stating that the new use was in compliance with state and local regulations and would not impact the groundwater supply.
A large conference center had property straddling the town line of two municipalities. The existing leaching field for the facility failed. GEC obtained an agreement with the adjacent town allowing the property owners to design and relocate the field to an acceptable leaching area on the owner’s property in the adjacent town. GEC also incorporated future growth of the facility into the final plan. This effort reduced a possible penalty and restriction on the use of facilities.
GEC’s client, a scrap metal recycler, faced a citizen suit under the Clean Water Act for alleged stormwater non-compliance. GEC evaluated the operation, determined the applicability of the regulations, responded to the notification, filed for permit coverage, and developed a written stormwater pollution prevention plan (SW3P), with including best management practices, facility inspections, employee training and benchmark sampling to achieve compliance. Then, GEC designed engineering controls to collect and treat stormwater that enabled us to notify the EPA, on behalf of our client, informing them that our client was no longer subject to this regulation, saving thousands in ongoing compliance costs.
GEC consulted with both our client’s business and environmental attorneys to develop a mutually agreeable Consent Agreement and a plan for sustainable compliance, thus helping our client get into compliance, develop cost-effective engineering solutions, and avoid protracted litigation.